Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the Psyche Collection, an accidentally therapeutic art collection!

Why « Psyche »? Psyche is the goddess of the soul in Greek mythology. Her fascinating life story is filled with unexpected twists and turns, which you can read all about here if you wish. The collection is all about a soul’s journey through this crazy adventure that is life. It reflects the challenges we face and, above all, how art responds to them.

Who’s behind the collection? The only way to find out is to browse through the different artworks… consider each one as a puzzle piece.

Why is there a music video associated with each artwork? Music - like Art - touches the soul. Each artwork has its matching song as a way to capture specific emotions that words alone sometimes fail to convey.

How can you discover the collection? It’s a bit like picking a tarot card… Just click on any artwork that appeals to you to find out its story. New artworks will be added on a regular basis.

I hope you enjoy the visit! xx