Crystal Latimer - Wisdom

Crystal Latimer’s work immediately caught my eye. So I went on to speak with her, which further convinced me that I had to get one of her pieces.

Most of the time, the way I see artworks is very different from what the artists had in mind when they created them. In this case, Crystal’s thoughts were perfectly aligned with my perception of her work, so I’ll just use her beautiful words.

« Wisdom blooms in the heart when we learn to trust our journey. We find the courage to navigate through life’s mysteries, grounded in the quiet knowing that we are never truly alone.

Here, the cowgirl is central, a symbol of expanded horizons and claiming our personal Wild Wests. She is surrounded by a garden. Knowledge that has been planted, now blooms. She is surrounded by animals, symbols of a more instinctual wisdom. All of it radiating from her, and held within. Wisdom that only becomes so by being embodied ».

Matching song: Carla Bruni - J’Arrive À Toi