Jamil Molaeb - Jerusalem

This work holds huge significance to me. My Lebanese parents taught me that we all have the same God but that people from different religions just prayed to Him in different ways. When in Lebanon, we would celebrate Christian and Muslim holidays alike - and most importantly, together.

This « Jerusalem » painting is I believe (but I could be wrong) the only one in the series that features a mosque as well as two churches. I keep it as a reminder that we’re all brothers and sisters and must never fall victim to political and economical agendas that pit us against each other.

I purchased this paining on August 4th, 2020, the day of the Beirut blast that destroyed the city and killed, injured or traumatized pretty much every Lebanese person.

In light of current events, all we can do is pray… and get to know each other. Can people who know each other and talk to each other really kill each other?

Matching song: Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey - When You Believe

When you come from the Middle East, you can either despair or you can believe in miracles… Better choose the latter!