Mona Trad Dabaji - Omar Khayyam à l’heure de la sieste

This painting is one of my favorite pieces from the collection! One I yearned for for years before I got the opportunity to purchase it. It also got me the encouragements I needed to expand the collection…

It represents the quintessence of the modern Middle Eastern woman, who embraces culture, education and communication with the world without forsaking traditions or her femininity.

Being Lebanese, born in the United Kingdom, and raised in France, I feel this painting encompasses the essential elements of my personality and upbringing.

Looking at it brings me a sense of peace, as if it were saying: « Get comfortable, grab a good book, a hot beverage, your prayer beads and surrender to the moment! »

Matching song: Charles Aznavour - She

A beautiful song by an artist from the Middle East, living in France and singing in English! What else?!